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As someone who's spent a lot of the last year on the road, I can personally tell you that eating healthy while traveling is no easy feat. On my trips, I usually eat out, because it's rare that I have a kitchen to cook my own meals in. Even if I do, I'm always too tired to want to trek all the way to the local supermarket, navigate a maze of foreign ingredients, and then lug it all back to cook in a hostel kitchen. Pit stops have healthy-ish options here and there, but generally speaking the pickings are slim.

It's gotten to a point where my entire diet gets shaken up every time a take a trip. Even when I try to plan things out, I still get derailed by all the chaos that comes with travel. Sure, at first it was fun to spend every other week throwing back pizza in Italy and tapas in Spain with reckless abandon, but my body simply can't handle the inconsistency anymore. I still want to enjoy the local delicacies of course, but with some balance in-between. In the end I know it will be better for my digestion and for my budget.

So I asked registered dietitians what they do to eat healthy on the road. They also travel all the time for work, so they're experts on the subject, and they told me there are easy ways to work around all my typical healthy eating obstacles. From packing a reusable water bottle to scoping out the local healthy restaurant scene before you hit the road, here's everything they recommend doing.

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